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(Washington, DC, September 26, 2014) At the 2014 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Spring Health Braintrust, the National REACH Coalition (NRC), in collaboration with Morehouse School of Medicine, and the National Collaborative for Health Equity announced the launch of the Health Equity Leadership & Exchange Network (HELEN) – A Campaign to Advance Health Equity. Today at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 44th Annual Legislative Conference, the HELEN initiative will announce the launch of the Exchange Network’s new website. ( www.healthequitynetwork.org) The HELEN Project, funded by a grant from the…

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Dear Friends, Welcome to the Health Equity Leadership Exchange Network (HELEN)!  HELEN is launching at a crucial time in our country's history and will work to advance health equity by connecting people, ideas, and information.  Increasingly, philanthropic organizations, elected officials, business leaders, and many others are recognizing that health equity – when all people, regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status, geographic location, or other social categories have the same access, opportunity, and resources to achieve their highest potential for health – is critically important for our society.  Not only is health equity deeply rooted in…

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HELEN Website Features

Welcome to the HELEN Website! Over the coming weeks we will be enhancing features on the website to increase connectivity between HELEN members. The website will offer current analysis on national, regional and local legislative updates, and provide opportunity for discussion and collaboration among members. Website features include: The Interactive Map – The map of the United States and its Territiories will provide a localized snapshot of key information from any state by simply pointing and clicking. You will be able to find HELEN members in that area, updates on ACA implementation, as well as, other information on health policy efforts pertaining to that state. Online…